Literature is available upon request and free of charge. Books are available for a donation.
Call or email us to place an order.
Highlighted literature and/or literature marked with a † is available as an Adobe PDF download. If you have an older version (5.0 or older) of Adobe Reader, we suggest downloading the newest version of Adobe Reader here (it’s free). We are working to have more of our literature available online.
Phone: 708-579-3800
Introductory Literature:
† “7 Reasons Why You and Your Church Should Support Bible Related Ministries”
† “Arbitration” (Note: 8.5×14/legal size paper)
† “Introducing You to Bible Related Ministries”
† “Monthly Newsletter” Go to Newsletter Page
Results of Salvation:
† “37 Things that Happen When We Get Saved” by Dr. Bob Ream Dr. Bob Ream is Pastor of Hillview Baptist Church in Fairmont, WV.
† “215 Things That Are True Of Me Now That I Am Saved” compiled by George Zeller George Zeller is Assistant to the Pastor of Middletown Bible Church, in Middletown, CT.
Helpful Literature for Ministries:
† “Anchors in the Storms of Life”
† “Biblical Basis for Church Membership”
† “Bulletin Fillers” Rev. George Zeller, Middletown Bible Church, Middletown CT
† “Consequences of a Moral Fall”
† “Consequences of Keeping Our Wedding Vows”
† “Danger Signals In the Local Church”
† “Differences between the Bible and the Qur’an”
† “Dos and Don’ts for Church Leaders”
† “Eating Can Be Hazardous to your Health”
† “Footsteps Away from Changing a Century”
† “For God So Loved the World…”
† “Frightened Generation Needs God”
† “Funeral Service-Pastoral Instruction”
† “Genuine Christian Friendship”
† “Gold Frankenstein and Mermaids” (Christmas)
† “Heaven”
† “Helps to Keep a Church on Course”
† “Integrity in the Pastorate”
† “Jewels in James” See the Gospel Tracts section below for a Tri-fold Tract version.
† “Keeping Your Church Out of Trouble and Trouble Out of Your Church”
† “Our Bible is a Gift from God”
† “Prayer”
† “Scriptural Chain of Command for the Church and Home”
† “So You Are the New Pastor!”
“Some are in a Tug of War and Some are Kickin”
† “Ten Ways to Pray for your Pastor”
“The Epistle Philemon”
† “The Greatest Assassin of All Time”
“The Illusion of Bigness”
† “The Last Thing We Want to Talk About”
† “The Man Who Swallowed Himself”
† “Things that Kill a Ministry for a Pastor or a Church”
† “Thoroughly Mixed and Firmly Set”
† “When Retreating Pays Dividends”
† “Which Would You Rather Have, God’s Ways or Man’s Ways?”
† “White-Washed or Washed-White?”
Gospel Tracts:
“Danger Signals in the Local Church”(tract form)
† “Jewels in James” (tri-fold tract) This is a two-sided document. If your printer doesn’t do dual-sided printing, print page one first, then re-insert your printed page to print the back side. Once both sides are printed, paper can be folded to a tri-fold tract or handout.
“Millions Now Living are Already Dead” (tract)
† “The Believer’s Body” (tract)
“The Gates of Nehemiah” (tract)
† “The Holy Spirit and the Believer” (tract)
Forms & Documents:
† “Baby Dedication Certificate”
† “Child Protection Policy” Westchester Bible Church, October 2015
† “Children’s Ministry Policy”
† “Dedication of a New Church Building”
† “Evaluation of a Pastor” (form)
† “Follow Up On a New Christian”
“Guidelines for Pastor-less Churches and Church-less Pastors” (booklet)
“Minister’s Car –Making an Emergency Call” (windshield sign)
“Policy Manual for Churches” (template)
† “Proposed Agreement for Arbitration Sessions & Consent Form”
“Your Mission Field Begins Here” (cardboard sign for inside the church exit doors)
Pastoral Search Material & Forms
† “Changing Pastors Without a Church Melt-Down” by Rick Toliver
† “Pastoral Responsibility and Church Responsibility Concerning their Pastor”
† “Pastor Candidate Questionnaire”
† “Practical Suggestions for Calling a Pastor”
Books Available for a Donation:
“Icing on the Cake” -Eleanor Svoboda
“Who Would Believe It?” -Rev. Charles Svoboda
“Crossfire-The Life of Chuck Svoboda, a Foot Soldier in God’s Army” – David J. Bauer
Recommended Books by Randy Hillebrand: